absorption  of  water  into  the  wall,  evaporation  of  water  from  the  surface,  and  the carbonation of the slaked line by carbon dioxide, CO2. Ca(OH)2(s) + CO2(g) CaCO3(s) + H2O(l) (3) On the dried arriccio, the artist sketches the sinopia, usually first with charcoal and then with a lime-compatible pigment mixed in water. The sinopia is then traced onto paper to serve as a guide for continued work.  A  final  layer  of  plaster,  the  intonaco (0.5-1 cm thick) contains less sand than the underlying arriccio layer(s).  In large fresco paintings, the  artist  applies  the  intonaco  plaster  over  a  portion  to  complete  in  a  short  time,  the giornata.    The  paper  sinopia  is  then  placed  over  the  fresh  intonaco  and  the  image transferred  to  it  in  one  of  two  ways:  (1)  by  gently  incising  the  lines  of  the  drawing through  the  paper  into  the  plaster  or  (2)  by  dusting  dry,  dark  pigments  through perforations in the paper along the lines of the drawing ("pouncing").  To ensure that the pigment is incorporated into the plaster layer, the painting must be complete in the first hours of drying of the intonaco. Pigments are mixed with water, brushed onto the wet plaster, and fixed to the painting by carbonation of the slaked lime (equation 3).  Overly wet plaster yields cloudy colors; whereas, a too dry plaster produces pale and dull hues. The  integration  of  pigment  into  the  dried  plaster  itself  makes  the  fresco  technique especially unforgiving. Degradation and Conservation of Frescoes.  Deterioration of fresco paintings results from the  open,  porous  nature  of  their  support--walls  and  ceilings  of  buildings--and  their interaction with the surrounding microclimates. The porous mortar backing provides an easy route for the movement of dilute salt solutions.  Salts contained in the building materials or the surrounding area can be readily transported to the plaster underlying the painting. Volumetric expansion associated with crystallization of these salts disrupts the plaster-pigment adhesion and leads to disintegration of the surface.  Such crystallization depends on the identity of the salts and the moisture content of masonry which is subject to seasonal variations in atmospheric humidity and rainfall. . Conservation methods have been developed to remove salts formed from reactions of sulfate ion traveling through the mortar. When the sulfate ion reacts with calcium, it forms calcium sulfate, gypsum.  Since gypsum is more soluble than calcium carbonate, it dissolves  and  re-crystallizes  with  changes  in  humidity.    These  cycles  lead  to  severe damage  when  the  gypsum  crystallizes  just  beneath  or  throughout  the  paint  layer. Florentine  floods  of  1966  spurred  the  development  of  a  conservation  treatment,  the "Barium Method," in which a series of poultices are applied to such sulfate-damaged fresco paintings to form the less soluble barium sulfate from calcium sulfate The first step in this procedure solubilizes calcium sulfate.  A poultice of rice paper pulp containing a supersaturated solution of ammonium carbonate [(NH4)2CO3] is applied to the surface of the fresco so that the solution is absorbed by the wall.  Any calcium carbonate forming on the surface of painting is swabbed away; whereas, that formed within the plaster helps re- establish cohesion. CaSO4) +  (NH4)2CO3(aq) [(NH4)2SO4(aq)  +   CaCO3(s) (4) Application of a second poultice containing barium hydroxide converts any remaining calcium sulfate present into the less soluble barium sulfate: